

Diversity wins: from the bottom of the heart from Hamburg to St. Petersburg

The Hamburg branch of the Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (LSVD Hamburg) received the award for the RainbowFlash, which it wholeheartedly dedicated to St. Petersburg LGBT organization “Coming Out”.

We congratulate our partners and allies in Hamburg with this important award and thank them for their solidarity and support!



Dear friends, supporters, volunteers and everyone! We wish you a Happy New Year!

In the past years we all together have protected human rights.


"LGBT parents", second edition

A baby in a same-sex family – it’s possible!

The long awaited second edition of an illustrated booklet for friends and relatives of homosexuals who are planning on having children, and for all those interested in this matter, is available now at the community center and at “Coming Out” events.


Gender identity issues in sexology

October 30th the European University of St. Petersburg hosted a public lecture “Gender identity issues in sexology” by Dmitry Isaev, sexologist, head of the department of clinical psychology of SPbGPMA. Decoded audio of the lecture you can read..


Picnic in the counrtyside

In mid-December 2012 the LGBT organization “Coming Out” hosted an out-of-town picnic for LGBT families. About 50 guests – parents and children – gathered at the holiday village in the Leningrad region. That was a very warm meeting despite the December’s cold weather. For “our” families these meetings are very important since they provide opportunities to meet others, share experiences, make friends – to support each other..


Novoselki village: Hyde-park for gay people or ghetto in St. Petersburg?

Smolniy district court rejected the appeal of LGBT-activists regarding the refusal of permission for street protest against “homosexual propaganda” ban.

One more time court protected backrooms right of the city administration to restrain the freedom of meetings and expression of opinion using far-fetched reasons.



We are excited to inform you about the new brochure about discrimination, why it occurs and the ways of working with its consequences. In the process of working on the brochure we used actual cases of discrimination. Coordinators of psychological and legal assistance programs worked on the brochure.


Remembrance Campaign on January 19

Lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasiya Baburova were killed in Moscow on January 19, 2009 for their antifascist activities. Hate crimes are left uninvestigated, while most of them are not even classified as hate crimes, but receive tag domestic violence or hooliganism.

We stand against all forms of violence and discrimination. Activists in many cities of Russia are organizing street protests on January 19th in order to say: “To remember means to fight”.

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