

Petersburg joins the Russia-wide protests against the proposed “Propaganda” law.

Today, 19th December, LGBT activists throughout Russia protested against statute 6.13.1 - an amendment to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which would outlaw the so-called homosexual propaganda.

Despite the cold weather, protestors on Malaya Sadovaya in St Petersburg, working in shifts, turned out with single person pickets, the only form of street protest which still does not require special permission from the authorities.


LGBT activists will appeal against the refusal of street protest coordination

LGBT activists applied to courts of different city districts because its administration using various reasons refused the coordination of street protests. Protests were for protection of LGBT rights. Activists were told several reasons for refusal: liberal understanding of formal part of application submission,, Too many pedestrians and too heavy traffic that might become worse because of the protesters. Also snow cleaning and several more reasons were given. Administration of Petrogradskiy district stand out among others..


Greetings for the International Volunteer Day!

Today, on December 5, International Volunteer Day is celebrated all over the world.

We are send our congratulations to all the people who care about the world we live in and put great effort in making it better, to everyone who supports human rights movements and struggles for justice, and to those who care not only about their own liberties, but about the others' liberties as well.



Transgender Remembrance Day

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” - these words of American philosopher George Santayana are used by trans-activists all over the world when they explain why we need special Transgender Remembrance Day.

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