

Hamburg and St. Petersburg: Together against Homophobia

Volunteers and activists of LGBT organization “Coming out” and LGBT movie festival “Side by Side” visited Hamburg in October for experience exchange and to tell about current situation in St Petersburg and in Russia.

Exchange was organized by Hamburg branch of the Union of Gays and Lesbians Germany (LSVD Hamburg)..


St Petersburg protesting against proposed ''gay propaganda'' legislation

Today, December 19, LGBT activists across Russia protested against paragraph 6.13.11 - amendment to Administrative violations Code that prohibits the so-called ''homosexual propaganda''. In St. Petersburg, the protest was organized by St. Petersburg LGBT organization Coming Out, joined by the Alliance of Heterosexuals for LGBT rights and individual activists.

Despite very cold weather, activists took turns picketing in the center of St Petersburg for 30 minutes. 


Our Alternative Report Presented at a UN Committee in Geneva

Yesterday, 8th of November, in Geneva the United Nations Committee Against Torture began the review about human rights situation in Russia. Besides investigating the official report prepared by the Russian authorities, the Committee also examines the so-called alternative reports submitted by non-governmental organizations. This year three Russian LGBT organizations presented their reports.


QueerFest 2012 - your feedback

Совсем недавно прошел 4-ый Международный фестиваль Квир-культуры – КвирФест 2012. Мы говорим "Спасибо!" всем, кто приходил на наши мероприятия и поддержал КвирФест и его цели. Для нас очень важно понимать, какие из мероприятий прошли качественно, а в каких мы что-то упустили. Для того, чтобы КвирФест становился профессиональнее и интереснее, нам нужно и важно знать ваше мнение.


"Coming out" in UN

In september 2012 Ksenya Kirichenko, LGBT organisation "Coming out" "Civil legal aid" program coordinator and a member of the Council of Russian LGBT Network; Maria Kozlovskaya,  the lawyer of "Coming out" and Council of Russian LGBT network legal programme coordinator, took part in the work of United Nations’ Human Rights Council.


Russian Supreme Court Deprived Aggressive Homophobes of Excuses

Today Russian Supreme Court published the full text of its October 3rd decision against LGBT organization Coming Out's challenge of the "gay propaganda" law of St. Petersburg. This decision followed another Supreme Court's ruling in favor of the similar law in Arkhangelsk in September of this year.


“Coming Out” Statement on Attack on LGBT-event in Moscow

October 11, on the International Coming Out Day, the day when everyone is welcome to announce one’s sexual or gender identity, unidentified persons attacked 7freeday club in Moscow and wounded several people. The attackers were armed with non-lethal weapons and firearms.


Conference of Youth Ministers Ended in Scandal over Sexual Orientation

Russia refused to sign the declaration issued at the 9th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for youth, which concluded today in St. Petersburg, Russia. For the first time since 1985 a declaration was not adopted.

On the eve of the Conference, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov noted that "we need to find new forms to enhance tolerance and socialization [of young people]." However, today, September 25, according to the news agency "Free Island", at the closing session of the conference, the Russian deputy minister of education and science refused to sign the declaration, as it contained "an item referring to the requirement to combat discrimination and violation of rights of LGBT youth."

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